Channel: Natural Life Hacks
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: food for eyesight improvementfoods that will improve your eye healthhow to improve eyesightsweet potatoesseedsgood food for eyesfoods to improve eyesight in kidsimrove visionbest food for eyespumpkin seedseye healthfood for eyeseyesight improvement foodeye health tipseye carefoods to improve eyesight without glasseshow to improve visionimprove eyesightnutsfishdiet for eyesight improvementcarrotsfood good for eyeseye vitamins food
Description: 8 Foods That Will Improve Your Eye Health Naturally Eyes are the biggest blessing from God, without which our life and all our other senses are incomplete. In fact, to keep organs like the eyes healthy, some food items play a crucial role. For instance, many of us believe that eating carrots can enhance the functionality of the eyes and keep the eye muscle healthy. Similarly, many other fruits and vegetables can positively affect eyes and eyesight one or the other way. Here are a few of them: 1) Fish: Fish are an essential part of our dietary preference as it contains several nutrients needed for optimal performance of our body. When it comes to eyes, salmon fish have a significant impact on eyesight. Fishes are high in Omega-3 fatty acid that contributes to visual development. Salmon can also contribute to curing dryness in eyes meibomian gland anomalies. 2) Nuts: All the nuts contain vitamins and minerals that contribute majorly to keeping the eyes healthy. The most rooted nut for eyes is almonds and pistachio. Both these nuts have a high number of Vitamin E. This vitamin guard healthy tissues against unstable molecules and prevents macular cataracts in the eyes. Besides that, nuts are also a reliable antioxidant source that fights against free radicals from attacking the eyes. 3) Carrots: Carrots are a reliable source of two potent antioxidants in Beta Carotene and lutein. These compounds prevent free radicals from entering the eyes, thus reducing the chances of age-related degenerative eye diseases. Besides that, our body can transform beta carotene into vitamin A that helps us see in the dark. 4) Seeds: Seeds contain a high amount of Vitamin A and E that majorly work to keep our eyes healthy and function. Mostly sunflower and pumpkin seeds are advised by an ophthalmologist for better eye health. You can also take a handful of chia seeds too as it also has high nutrient value. Besides that, sesame seeds may look smaller, but their daily use can give you a high amount of Omega-6 fatty acid. 5) Sweet potatoes: Like carrots, sweet potatoes contain many beta-carotenes (a powerful antioxidant that our body converts into Vitamin A). The ample amount of this antioxidant explains the color similarity between a sweet potato and carrots. The sweet potatoes also prevent the entrance of viruses and bacteria that can harm the eyes. However, do not overcook the sweet potatoes as they can lose all of aids essential nutrients. Changing from white potatoes to sweet potatoes can bring about a significant difference in your overall health as the power vegetable not only protects the eyes but is suitable for all our internal organs. 6) Eggs: Eggs are considered power food from nature s it contains a large amount of mineral and nutrients that keep one healthy. Egg yolks are known to protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays and keep your eyesight intact. Besides that, eggs also keep the retina healthy by treating all damages at the cellular level. Eggs are not only limited to breakfast. You can eat it at any time. Apart from zinc, lutein, and zeaxanthin, eggs also contain a high amount of protein needed to keep our muscles healthy and strong. 7) Legumes: Legumes are a great alternative to meat as it contains a high amount of zinc and protein. The essential minerals and nutrients found in legumes keep our eyes healthy and prevent age-related ophthalmic ailments. Chickpeas are the most used legume that contains a high amount of protein. Besides that, legumes, black beans, and kidney beans have an increased number of antioxidants and zinc that protect the retina and prevent the onset of cataracts. 8) Beef: Beef contains a high amount of soluble fat that helps in absorption of Vitamin A. using beef in meals can impact enhancing the vision of a person. It also prevents degenerative macula disorder in the consumers. Do not overcook beef as most of its nutrients burn in high heat and prolong cooking. #foodsforeyehealth #eyevision #naturallifehacks