Channel: TalonTSi97 Videos
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: big block corvettenitrous corvetteracemotivec7 zr1corvette drag carcorvettebig blockcorvette burnoutcorvette racecarbig block chevyall motor corvettec2 corvettechevrolet corvetteturbo corvetteburnoutcorvette top speedpocono roll racinghigh speedall motorwolfpack ridesc2 vettestreetspeed717vettestreetspeed717 corvettecorvette roll racingcorvette zr1
Description: @Wolfpack Rides Drag C2 Corvette packs an all motor 600ci big block. Watch as they decide to bring this 7sec 1/4 dig car to a 1/3 of a mile ROLL RACE with Racemotive! He squares up with @Street Speed 717 from a roll, see if he can fend off this new C7 ZR1 supercar. Music thanks to Tune Tank, which can be found here: