Channel: Be The Light
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: empathempathybethelightempaths and narcissist relationshipempath meaningempaths and narcissistsempath strugglesempath personality typeempath typesempathsempath and introvertempath typetwo empaths in a relationshipempaths refugeempath exposedwhy empaths struggleempath extraordinarywhen an empath falls in lovebeing an empathfemale empaths and relationshipsconscious reminderempath channel
Description: Hit the 🔔 to join the notification squad! 7 Reasons Why Female Empaths Will Always Struggle To Find The Right Man In this video, I'll explore the reasons why empaths are having a hard time finding the right man. As an empath myself, I've had my fair share of struggling to find the right man. And so have many women in our world! This video is about why they have a tough time, what they have to watch out for, and how they can find their _______________________________________ Credit Preset/VFX : BeTheLight Video and Image: Music: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 💫 Visit our website: 🌟 Fanpage: ✨ Twitter: 💫 Feel free to contact me :