Channel: Fate Unbound
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: unboundcampingfull time rvingfatervrverdry campingmistakesrv lifefree campingrv livingtrailerfull time rv lifefull time rvtravel trailermistakervingtravelingfull time rv livingpitfalladventurefailfate unboundpitfallsboondockingvideo blogfailurefull timingvlogtimetravelfull time rv couplefull
Description: Don't make these 7 major mistakes that new full time RVers make! ☆THE DYRT PRO 30 DAY FREE TRIAL: Use Promo Code FATE ☆PATREON SPECIAL ACCESS: ☆FATE UNBOUND RECEIVES A SMALL COMMISSION WHEN YOU SHOP THROUGH THIS AMAZON LINK: ☆TIP JAR: ☆SHIRTS, SWEATERS, STICKERS, AND MORE: ☆SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: Facebook: Check out the rest of our videos: ☆MORE ON THE WEBSITE: ☆SPECIAL THANKS to our Patrons who have pledged $5+ at to help make this video possible! ⭐ Allen H. ⭐ Andy U. ⭐ Bill & Cathy O. ⭐ Bridgette & Ryon ⭐ Bryan A. ⭐ Caroley ⭐ Clay A. ⭐ Colette K. ⭐ Crystal C. ⭐ Curt E. ⭐ MacTarnahan ⭐ David C. ⭐ David D. ⭐ David E. ⭐ David R. ⭐ Don M. ⭐ Donald W. ⭐ Doug S. ⭐ Eddie O. ⭐ Franklin G. ⭐ Gary & Diane H. ⭐ Greg L. ⭐ Jason C. AKA Kamby ⭐ Jeb & Barb B. ⭐ Joe & Cheryl P. ⭐ John C. ⭐ John L. ⭐ John T. L. ⭐ Kari S. ⭐ Kathie S. ⭐ Kathleen M. ⭐ Ken & Hariven C. ⭐ Kyle O. ⭐ Kyle R. ⭐ Larry M. ⭐ Larry O. ⭐ Laura C. ⭐ Lisa H. ⭐ Lucinda M. ⭐ Mark & Melinda A. ⭐ Mark S. ⭐ Matt & Lisa M. ⭐ Matthew H. ⭐ Nancy D. ⭐ One Traveler ⭐ Our Life Journey ⭐ Rachel & Clarence B. ⭐ Ron & Susan H. ⭐ Ron B. ⭐ Sam Z. ⭐ Schylar B. ⭐ Scott @ Go Small. Live Large! ⭐ Scott & Charlotte R. ⭐ Stephen C. ⭐ Susan R. ⭐ Sybil C. ⭐ The Bracioles ⭐ Thomas E. ⭐ Troy P. ⭐ Vern & Kathy J. Preparing to become a full time RVer or van lifer is a stressful but exciting experience. There is so much to do however that it can become overwhelming for a lot of people. On top of that, the incredible excitement can make a lot of people rush into the decision. When becoming a full time RVer it is important to be patient to ensure that you are prepared for unforeseen negative events that could happen on the road such as break downs or health concerns. It is also important to ensure that your personal finances are in a strong position so that you aren't struggling to earn a living while traveling. Admittedly, when Roe and I first hit the road we made some of the mistakes that we discuss in the video below. The rest of the mistakes we discuss are some that we witnessed made by others new to RV life and van life. Check out the video for all the pitfalls and mistakes to avoid when becoming a full time RVer! *Affiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.