Channel: NameBran
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: nft adyoutubehow tonftstrollzfinancialsolanastocks6ix9ine solanagoldnft investingnft this weekwhat is nftvloggingnew nftyoutube adcrypto punksinvestingbored apeetherium6ix9ine 2021funny6ix9inesolana nfttollz nftbaycrapper nftcrypto currencienft videonft ow tocryptovloggernamebrancrypto punknft investerinstagram advlogtrollz solanasolana cryptonftnft advicebitcoinfunfinance
Description: This video is Sponsored by Ridge Wallet. Check them out here: USE Code “NAMEBRAN” for 10% off your order” 6IX9INE JUST RELEASED HIS OWN TROLLZ NFT AND I WOULD ADVISE YOU NOT TO BUY IT. Its not through opensea etherium its from solana. not a believer in this crypto purchase, not financial advise. my own thoughts