Channel: Beyond Slow Motion
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: hypnotic cardistry kidhow to cardpop!high speedflourishesepicslow moyoyo wizardrycardistryvirtuososlowkendamayoyocard tricksart of cardistrythevirtsskill toyamazing peopleincredible peopleslow motion
Description: I know it's been a while! SO much has happened in the last year and I promise I'll have an update video soon, but in the meantime here is a video I shot a while back with my friend Zach Mueller from Fontaine Cards. He introduced me to some of his crazy talented cardistry homies and we spent a couple hours filming some tricks! Hope you all enjoy. :) Talent & their Instagrams Zach Mueller @ZachMonky Alix Becle @alixbcl CJ Ocampo @buddhabellykids Franco Pascali @francopascali Cards by Fontaine Cards @fontainecards Shot on Phantom MIRO LC320s