Channel: Nuke's Top 5
Category: Entertainment
Tags: nukestop5scary videoscariest videosghost hunterstop 10top 15scary ghost videosparanormal investigationghost videosghostscariestreal ghostghost caught on cameraghost hunternukes top 5scaryparanormalghost videoscary ghosttop 10 ghostcaught on cameralistpoltergeist activitynuke's top 5haunted housetop 5 listscary videoshauntedghoststop5listsghost huntingtop 5haunted placestiktok ghostpoltergeistnukes tops 5
Description: Top 5 SCARIEST videos of GHOSTS caught on camera and some scary shadow creatures and Jinns ! THIS WEEK in SCARY VIDEOS, we have one of the scariest videos of a shadow figure from Ghosts of Carmel Maine. A poltergeist wreaks havoc in a haunted house when ghost hunters conduct a paranormal investigation . A Jinn apparition appears in an amateur ghost hunter’s video. British ghost hunters experience a ghost attack in a haunted place, and a Mexican scary ghost video with creepy EVPs and a full apparition caught on camera by ghost hunters in an abandoned building. So... basically alot of scary ghosts and poltergeist activity in haunted places :) If you liked this Nuke's Top 5 list, you should also check out TOP 10 Scary Ghost Videos OR Are You A BIG BABY ? Nukes Tops 5 Social Media: Suggest videos: Twitter: nukestop5 Instagram: nukestop5official Facebook: nukestop5