Channel: Josh Tryhane
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: 5 waysthings guys should doguys advice10 thingswhat guys notice firstbest tipswhat girls likekissingsecret tipsgirl advicea guy noticeshuggingholding handsteen dating5 featuresguy tipsdatesattractive things girls dohow to get a girlthings girls dolovingbest thingsrelationship advicelove and datingthings guys doboys and girlsthings guys notice
Description: 5 PHYSICAL Features GIRLS Notice First on GUYS (Is This True!?) Thank you to Cremo for sponsoring todays video! Check Cremo out here: Cremo YouTube Channel: Give this video a thumbs up if you're a girl watching this!!! Hey Guys in todays video I'm talking about some features girls love on guys! To be more specific we're going to be looking at the first things girls notice when they look at a guy, and we're going to give the guys out there some "Guy Tips" to help them around the girls! If you guys have anymore features you think I missed in this video leave them down in the comments!! If you want to be part of the next giveaway, make sure you're subscribed and follow me on IG :) Instagram: 5 Confusing Things Guys Do When They Like You!! - HOW TO *ACTUALLY* MAKE A GUY LIKE YOU! 5 SIGNS A GUY WANTS YOU TO KISS HIM! (GUY SECRETS) Follow me on other social media: Twitter: Instagram: Vlog Channel - Snapchat // joshtryhane see you on Saturday! For Business Inquiries: