Channel: The Cov
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: spoofrttenetflixdragons rttertte season 6how to train your dragon 2thevikingnationcrackstrongquartzhiccstrid momentsdragons race to the edgerace to the edge season 4race to the edge season 5hiccstrid montagehttyd crackdreamworksdrtterace to the edgehiccstriddragons rtte s65 hiccstrid clips that should've had kisses!httyd spoofspoof/crackseason 5how to train your dragonhiccup and astridhiccstrid editdreamworksanimationdragons
Description: 5 Hiccstrid Clips That Should've Had Kisses! These clips freaking irritated me so much! Whenever they don't kiss for whatever reason, whether it be just not wanting to, or getting interrupted by a dragon, or the dragon riders, it MAKES ME MAD MAN!!! xd... So, I've put together a short montage of clips that made the hiccstrid fandom groan. Hope you enjoy! Leave a like and subscribe for more!