Channel: Pink Blue CRAFTS
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how tobarbie dolldoll clothesbarbie clothes makingbarbie clothes diyhow to makebarbie hacks and craftsbarbiedo it yourselflife hacks5 minute craftshow to make doll clothesbarbie clotheseasy doll clothesdiyhacksdiy doll clothespinkbluetrlife hacks for girlsdiy barbie dressesdollpinkbluestudiohow to make barbie clothesdiy projectsdoll dressdiy activitiescraftspinkbluecraftsbarbie doll clothesbarbie clothes hacksbarbie diy
Description: Hello friends. I'm here with a new great clothes and styles video that you can make with your family for a healthy and happy day! SUBSCRIBE: VIDEO of the DAY: HOW TO MAKE DOLL CLOTHES - 5 DIFFERENT BARBIE STYLES : **** ETSY Shop : **** E-Mail : info @ pinkblueart . com **** WEB : **** Instagram : **** Facebook : *** Popular Playlists: DOLL TRANSFORMATION: DOLL HAIRSTYLE: DOLL CLOTHES: BARBIE: "HOW TO" VIDEOS: DOLL CRAFT - DIY: Popular Videos: AMAZING DRESS and HAIRSTYLE ~ DIY Barbie Hacks; Long Hair Rainbow, Clothes, Shoes and MORE!! : DIY Barbie Hairstyles with Yarn | How To Make Purple Doll Hair for Old Toys : DIY BARBIE HAIRSTYLES - WIG | RECYCLE AND MAKE OLD TOYS GREAT AGAIN! : Long Hair Rainbow Barbie Rerooting /peinado/cabelos coloridos/باربي الشعر الطويل/рапунцель/raiponce : DIY Barbie Hacks: Pregnant Barbie, Newborn Baby Barbie, Miniature Doll Stuffs, and more : DIY Barbie MERMAID TAIL Removable ~ How to Make Doll Clothes Transformation -Barbie Hacks and Crafts : 5 DIY No Sew No Glue Doll Clothes e1 - How To Make Barbie Clothes Ideas Easy - Doll Hacks and Crafts : .............................................. ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ This channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. §312.2, and are not intended for children under 13 years of age. PINK BLUE CRAFTS does not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly denies permission to any third-party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of Channel. Further, Pink Blue Crafts denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of Youtube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third-party, regarding data collection. This video contains risky items for children under 13 to try alone. Family supervision is required. Therefore, the video does not only target children. As can be seen from the link and content below, the videos on the channel and this video appeal to the general audience. General audience content General audience content is content that could appeal to everyone, but isn’t intended specifically for children, or content that is intended for a teen or older audience. General audience content should be set as “not made for kids.” Here are some examples of the types of videos that could be considered “general audience”, in the absence of information suggesting an intent to target kids: ** A DIY video teaching hobbyists how to remake dolls or to make clay figurines ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ .............................................. ===== OTHER RELEVANT WORDS: #diy #barbie #clothes #creative #diys #doll #hack #hacks #handcraft #how #ideas #girls #activities #barbies #make #makeover #howto #pinkbluept #pinkbluecrafts #pinkbluestudio #pinkbluetr Music by Epidemic Sound: