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Description: "Arms hugging the sleeves" is a term used to describe big arms that leave no space in the sleeves of a shirt. This sleeve hugging phenomenon, in essence, is the sole purpose of all direct arm training. In all seriousness, while there are functional benefits of having big, strong arms, like picking up your dream girl, literally and metaphorically, large arms on a well-developed physique look amazing. There's a reason that lifters for decades have praised a fellow lifter with things like, "he has 18" arms." It's a sign of dedication and strength. And let's face it. Having small arms and underdeveloped biceps can make someone look like they don't even lift. And after spending months, if not years, in the gym, that's not what we want. Even with broad shoulders and a built chest and back, the overall physique just isn't complete without jacked arms. So if you're ready to have arms that hug the sleeve and complete your physique, then this video is for you. [SUPPLEMENTS] SCIENCE-BASED SUPPLEMENTS THAT WORK! ➜ [FREE BOOK] CLAIM YOUR FREE COPY OF BULK UP FAST! ➜ [MASS-5 FULL BODY] HIGH FREQUENCY FULL BODY WORKOUT ➜ [SHREDDED-12] SCIENCE-BASED FAT LOSS PROGRAM ➜ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: ➜ Reference: 1. Hubal et al. Variability in muscle size and strength gain after unilateral resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2005;37(6):964–972.75w 2.Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Ogborn, Dan; Vigotsky, Andrew D.; Franchi, Martino; Krieger, James W. Hypertrophic effects of concentric versus eccentric muscle actions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 3.M. Roig, K. O'Brien, G. Kirk, R. Murray, P. McKinnon, B. Shadgan, and W. D. Reid. The effects of eccentric versus concentric resistance training on muscle strength and mass in healthy adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Br. J. Sports Med. 2009; 43; 556-568