Channel: X-perio
Category: Entertainment
Tags: 재미있는 실험미친 실험simple inventionssimplehow to make간단한 생활 핵예술과 공예life hacks집에서 만든experimenthacksdiysimple ideasdc morotdc motortest생활 핵발명품만드는 방법실험dc motor hackhow to make a gadgethackernew video코끼리 치약inventiongadgetsindian아이디어
Description: 4 ПРОСТЫХ ИДЕИ И ЛАЙФХАКА ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНЫХ ГАДЖЕТОВ ДОМА घर पर उपयोगी गैजेट बनाने के लिए 4 सरल आविष्कार विचार और जीवन हैक hello guys thanks a lot for giving me a huge response on my new videos check out the amazing video here for sponsors contact me at: (