Channel: ejunky66
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: nyceilings3d effect on stretch ceiling3d stretch ceiling clipsows2812b madrixподвесной потолокled do it yourselfcolin furzeнатяжной потолокdual line led striphome improvementinfinity mirror tunnelspanndecken selbst gemachtled stretch ceiling systemsspanndeckenspanndecken profil clipso3d ceilingiluminación de plafónpaulmann lichtsky ceiling#3dceilingelektric-junkys.com3d roofadressable led stripdot madrixiluminación techo plafón
Description: Used Tools.: Heat Blower - Heatgun - Solder Station - Downlights - Makita Driller - Circular Saw - 3D Stretch Ceiling Infinity illusion Roof LED DIY Como hacer Iluminación techo plafón de LED The Dungeon 3D Effect on stretch ceiling, join our DIY Group LIKE - LED Do it yourself , and visit our Text DIY´s newest Stretch Ceiling DIY how to make your own #3D Stretch Ceiling Roof Typhoon, join our DIY Group -- TEXT DIY visit our Channel for more Amazing DIY Videos such as how to build your own Flexible LED Display, or how to build an LED Infinity illusion mirrow, how to LED Floor Tiling and much more. We Print you up to any Foil on your needs, Sky Ceilings Clipso, Forrest Ceilings, Family or Baby Ceilings or Wall stretch Foils, Just reply us tell us the size and the picture in High Resolution, we can make up to all Angles Stretch Ceilings triangle or Round Stretch Ceilings, Square Stretch Ceilings, Nothing is impossible just contact us at LED Infinity Ceiling Stretch Ceiling 3D illusion Effect on Stretch Ceiling infinity Ceiling clipso For this Project we used dual Line LED Strips 5050 RGB, but there is also the Posibility to use WS2811, WS2812b, LPD6801 or Other LED Strips, NYceilings there is also a way to use an White Stretch ceiling roof and prepare Adressable LED Strips WS2812b under before to animate an Sky, Cloud animation, or Sunrise, we are glad to hear from you checkout also 16X16 Dot Madrix WS2811/WS2812b Arduino Feeded подвесной потолок, Фольга натяжной потолок, светодиодное освещение, Натяжной потолок, Легко потолка, Сделано сам натяжной потолок, Сделано LED себя, сумасшедшие люди, лучшие видео в 2015 году, лучшие видео всех времен, самые смешные видео, Hazlo tu mismo LED Curtain, Techo ilusión монтаж из гипсокартона, белый Tela infinito, Techo ilusión, Impresión 3d, techo 3D, Planta 3D, piso ilusión, LED Hazlo tu mismo, La instrucción técnica LED, Haga su propio LED, tareas escolares, Proyecto Fin de semana, DIY Perks on youtube, INCREDIBLE water-cooled LED light, Colin Furze amazing and Furious Hover Bike, tecnología Detalle, Hazlo tu mismo LEDでそれを自分で行います, あなた自身のLEDを構築, イリュージョン屋根, 3Dイリュージョン屋根, 3D無限大天井, 3D無限大屋根, 独自の3Dの無限大屋根を作ります, 独自の3Dエフェクトの屋根を構築する方法, 独自の合わせ鏡を構築する方法 WS2811, WS2812b, Madrix Panel, Infinity Illusion Roof Tunnel, Stretch Fabric, Ceiling Fabric, Clipso Ceilings systems, Mosaic Rosonen, Tobu - Good Times [NCS Release] ➞ SoundCloud William Ekh - Adventures (feat. Alexa Lusader) [NCS Release] SoundCloud_ Distrion & Electro-Light - Rubik [NCS Release] ➞ SoundCloud Alex Skrindo & Stahl! - Moments [NCS Release] SoundCloud