Category: Gaming
Tags: cyka blyatrussian translatelearn russian for cs:golearn russianrussian playerhow to speak russianrussian wordscsgo russianthe russianhow to insult in russianrussian csgo playercs:go russiancs:gohow to russianrussian sentencesrussian for csgorussian for cs:godimitri petrenkohow to learn russianrussian csgo
Description: Today, I translate your sentences in Russian. Cyka Blyat & Vodka is Water T-Shirts ➜ Tell me in the comments if you want more ! Subscribe to join Mother Russia ! I CUT YOUR DICK! ► Watch Previous Video ► Watch All Videos ► The Website The Shop Twitter Facebook Twitch Steam Group Get Cheap Games 3% PROMO CODE: VODKA COUNTER-STRIKE : GLOBAL OFFENSIVE Join Curse Network "Learn to play idiot" ► Nau-chis igrat' durak "Your mum is a fuckin bitch" ► Tvoya mama yebanaya shlyuha" "Go fuck yourself" ► Poshel naroy ► drank lots of vodka and now i am very horny ► Ya vipil mnogo vodki, at tiper ya ochen' vozbujden I think theres 3 of them ► Ya doumouyou tam troje Give me some vodka, you idiot ► Day mne chuchut vodki, te durak Calm down and go drink some vodka, man ► Uspakoysa i idi vipi chuchut vodki mujik Rash b you motherfucker go play minecraft with your mom idiot ► Rash b ti yeban idi igray v Minecraft s tvayi mamkoy durak" Calm down russian and let's win ► Uspakoysa ruskki i davai vigraem irh Uninstall this game ► Udali etu igru ! Can you speak english ? ► Ti znaish angliski ? How to say how to say how to say ? ► Kak skazat kak skazat ? Please marry me ► Pozhaluysta pojenis samnoy Be quiet please ► Tirho pojalusta or Zatknis pozhalusta or Tichina - I'm going to plant the bomb ► Ya idu plantit' Let's drink vodka together my friend ► Davay vipem vodku vmeste druk moy ! I love your boobs ► Ya lyublu tvayi siski Can I have the pussy please ? ► Mojna mnie kiska pazhaluysta ? What a wonderful day to play csgo my friend ► Kakoy prekrasny den chtobi pa-igrat vs CSGO moy drug SAY I want to rush your lower tunels ► Ya rashu rashit tvayi nijneye temki Give me awp bitch ► Day mne awp cyka Please go to hell and die ► Pozhalusta idi v ad ii sdokni I like pie ► Ya lyublu pirashki Can you watch my racoon for a week ? ► Mojesh prismatriet za moyim yenotum adnu nidelou ? Pick up lines in russian ? ► Utiba oshin krasiveye glassa It means, you have very beautiful eyes I'm here with the crew ► Ya zdes s komandi You're mom was great last night ► Tvaya mama bila otlishanaya prochle nochu I love vodka ► Ya lyublu vodku You fucking noob ► Ti duratski nub You retard ! ► Ti tupoy How old are you ? ► Skolka tibe liet ? I love Mother Russia and vodka my friend ► Ya lyublu mat rassiu i vodku moy drug