Channel: Justin Bravo
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: skateboardthree wheel scooterelectric scootersbest electric skateboardfast electric skateboardtomoloo electric skateboard three wheelsreview3 wheel scooter3 wheelelectric skateboardelectric longboardelectric skateboardstomoloo hoverboardscooterelectric scooterjustin bravo2019dragon knightdan galvanesk8electric skateboard review3 wheel skateboardthree wheel skateboardvlogelectric skateboard 2019tomoloo electric scootertomoloo
Description: Riding Tomoloo's Dragon Knight 3 Wheel Electric Board with vlogging buddy Dan Galvan. It's not quite an electric scooter, but also not an electric skateboard or electric longboard. Definitely a first in my esk8 experience. Pick up the Dragon Knight here: Dan Galvan: Music: Spaceships by Ryan Little epi_465 MORE JB CHANNEL: GET YA GOAT MERCH: EQUIPMENT USED: HOW TO KETO: My goal is to review the best electric skateboards as much as possible on this channel! Let me know if there is a board you'd love to see reviewed! #esk8 #electricskateboard #tomoloo