Channel: IdunnGoddess
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: diy miniature night skyhow to clean nail polish bottleminiatures in nail polish bottlesmini scenecraftdiy miniatureminiature nail polishhow to make a miniature in a bottlediy miniature galaxydiy miniature aquariumhow to reuse nail polish bottlediy miniaturesdo-it-yourselfminiature scenesdiynail polish bottle craftdiy miniature snow globeminiature in a bottleminiature galaxy in a bottle
Description: In this video I show how to make mini aquarium, mini night sky (with crescent and stars) and mini snow globe inside old nail polish bottles. And, of course, I show how to clean bottles from nail polish :) so you can use them for craft. I start with cleaning the nail polish bottle. You will need just a nail polish remover and few cotton pads. I cleaned it in gloves because I didn't want to spoil my manicure :). So gloves are not necessary. For the first DIY – which is Mini Aquarium - I chose the round-shaped bottle. To make this cute fish tank you will need: decorative stones (or any small stones from the street ;), super glue, a little branch of artificial plastic aquarium plant, fishing line, hot glue gun and parchment paper (to make a fish) and permanent markers to paint it. As a substitute for the hot glue you can use polymer clay :) I colored water with food coloring but when I was practicing before filming the tutorial, I used just a clear water and it was great too! So it's up to you! For the second DIY miniature scene – which I call Night in the bottle – you will need: aluminum foil, clear tape, glitter, fishing line, watercolor paints and paper for the background and vegetable oil to fill the bottle. I recommend to use oil because it is more dense rather than water, so glitter will fall slowly :) And for the third mini DIY – Miniature Snow Globe (or better to say Snow Nail Polish Bottle) – you will need: a piece of felt (1 mm thick), green acrylic paint (these two are for the fir tree), hot glue, white glitter and vegetable oil. If you have a question about glue drops I made to secure the tree inside the bottle – here are some details... When you will hold the bottle above the flame, the glue drops will melt. Hold the bottle like this for a minute and then let it cool. So the tree will stuck to the bottom :) Yay! :) Oh, and sure you can make the background for this mini scene as I did (snowy hills and blue night sky with the moon) or just leave it like it is – in clear nail polish bottle :) Dear friends! Please make sure nail polish and any other products you use were not tested on animals! Love you! Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on G+ : Welcome to my blog: Love. Create. Discover. Idunn