Channel: GFXMentor
Category: Education
Tags: freelancinghow toonline earningideamotivationpakistandisciplineimran ali dinaindiaresolutionanything5 things5 habbitsfinancial tipsgfxmentorscopefreelancehindi tutorialurdututorialfreenew yearmotivation for graphic designerearningimmmigfxmentor motivationgfx mentorself helpgfxmlearntime management5 dosurdu tutorial2022graphic designgfxmentorehow to learn anythingdiscipline for learningmoneyhindifinance
Description: Hey Everyone, Wish you a very Happy New Year. Here are 5 things that you need to DO this year and 5 things you need to quit. Join GFXMentor Nation (Official Facebook Group) Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Facebook: Subscribe to my second channel named "Immmi" *IMPORTANT* Please only use and share embed code of the original video. Third party downloads and distribution is not permitted. My name is Imran Ali Dina, and I am a seasoned Graphic Design Trainer having experience of 20+ years. I've started this training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way. Photoshop for Beginners Series Playlist: Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training so far, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you should watch whole playlist from the beginning: