Channel: motocross action magazine
Category: Sports
Tags: competitionrivalrymotorcycleyamahaamazingyz125fitnessreviewactionmodelsuspensionjumpnewhorsepowertestathleteolddirtmotonutsracerpartscrazyracingtrickpremixplatformspeedproductsenginegapcourseinsanetwo strokedirt bikeleaploudracemotocrossincrediblehealthversusopinionbattle2 strokestuntfierecewildrival
Description: #versus #battle #motorcycle #dirtbike Motocross Action takes the 2021 Yamaha YZ125 and puts it up against the all new 2022 Yamaha YZ125 to see which one is better. Was the previous model find where it stood or is the 2022 a big upgrade? Which engine is better? Which model has better suspension? Which bike is better for a racer? Which bike is better for a VET rider? We answer all the questions you are looking for in this video. We spent a lot of time on both platforms riding them back to back to give our loyal viewers a final verdict. You might be surprised by the outcome! Check out this VERSUS video before you spend your hard earned cash on a new two stroke from Yamaha. You don't want to miss this one! Subscribe to Motocross Action: Follow Motocross Action: Motocross Action Website: Motocross Action Facebook: Motocross Action Twitter: Motocross Action Instagram: