Channel: Steve1989MREInfo
Category: Entertainment
Tags: campingtasteemergencyamazingmcimodernrationreadyreviewrarestgulfeatstevemilitaryciviliancoolestmreinfopackagedmresteve1989meal ready to eattestsurvivalvietnampacketpackfoodarmymealkoreashtfoldesttastingsteve1989 mre taste testmre stevecrazyasmrtoeaten
Description: The newest Canadian IMP is lighter in weight, yet packs in just as many calories as ever. This Pulled Pork, menu #12 is absolutely fantastic. With 39 grams of protein to the main course, it's very sustaining and truly delectable in it's quality. Gotta say, this is a menu worth looking for! Currently editing an exciting review of a never before filmed US survival ration from 1957. So stay tuned for that. Had to eat a little something normal for in between, so for the folks out there who like their food a bit fresher, this one's for you. Alright cool, see ya. For correspondence, or to send a Military Ration for review, my exact mailing information is: Steve1989 3616 Harden Blvd 360 Lakeland, FL 33803