Channel: Modern Cosmic Astrology
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: love signssagittariusstar signbirth chartariesastrologysun sign forecastastrological chartzodiac signastrology forecastcapricorn air signs2019 forecastleotauruslibrapersonality typespisces forecastlove signsun signhoroscopessun sign compatibilityzodiacastrological forecastpiscesscorpiowater signsgeminihoroscopeaquariusvirgosun signsearth signscancersynastryfire signs
Description: SUBSCRIBE: BOOK A READING: FIND ME ON FACEBOOK: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nichole Huntsman has been studying Western Astrology for 26 years and has helped over 1,000 clients from around the world. She’s personally read for politicians, religious leaders, broadcasters, artists, musicians, psychics, CEOs, entrepreneurs, lawyers, skeptics, and many others. She specializes in helping identify her client’s life purpose and soul path. Nichole has a BA in Art History and Curatorial Studies with an emphasis in Iconography, from Brigham Young University. She has also written several astrology based e-books and taught workshops. Nichole is the proud mama of 4 children, a poet, and music lover." Thanks for watching! Hope this was helpful, please post questions below and let’s talk!