Channel: Funk Roberts
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: single kettlebellkettlebell khaoshiit workoutkettlebellkettlebell swings20 minute kettlebell workoutathlean xkettlebell mma workouthiitmma workoutfitness blendermen over 40testosteronehow to lose weighthow to boost testosteroneburpeesbest workout for men over 40tiff x dankettlebellsover 40 fitnesskettle bellhow to do burpeeskettlebell workoutover 40funk robertskettlebell hiit workoutkettlebell full body workouteric leija
Description: 52 year old Funk Roberts takes you through a 20 minute single kettlebell HIIT workout for men over 40, 50 and 60. This workout uses metabolic training to help you build muscle, burn fat and get fit using a single kettlebell. Need Kettlebells? Grab your Kettlebell Kings powder coated kettlebells and save 10% off using code: FUNK10KBK My BEST Workout Programs Best Program for Men Over 40: Best Program for Women: My Supplements: (USE CODE: Funk10 FOR 10% OFF) My Music: My Social Channels Subscribe to My YouTube Channel for FREE: Instagram: Facebook: Watch more of my videos! Subscribe and Click Notifications: 20-Minute Kettlebell HIIT Workout for Men Over 40 Perform each exercise for 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds rest x 2 1. Goblet Squat 2. Single KB Swings 3. KB Chest Press Right 4. KB Chest Press Left 5. Bent over Rows Right 6. Bent Over Row Left 7. Pulse Lunge 8. Pulse Lunge 9. KB Swing Right 10. KB Swing Left Need Kettlebells? Grab your Kettlebell Kings powder coated kettlebells and save 10% off using code: FUNK10KBK WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. ALWAYS WARM UP PRIOR AND STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT SESSIONS