Channel: Thomas In Action
Category: Howto & Style
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Description: It’s time for hair growth check in number 2 guys! Wow how did 2 months go so quickly? Here are the timestamps for you guys so you can jump between the stages of my hair growing throughout the month. It’s super interesting filming in this way because I feel like I’m really documenting the journey bit by bit! I hope you guys are loving it! NOTE All product links are listed below under the corresponding section where I featured them in the video. ENJOY! For anyone wanted to join the Man Buns & Manes Facebook group, you can join for free right here: Intro - 00:00 31 Days of Hair Growth - 00:22 I literally can’t believe my regular day to day outfits in this section lol. I guess I like to just dress comfy ok... 34 Days of Hair Growth - 03:02 Yup, this was my first taste of awkwardness. My little shark fin popped up and showed me that it really wasn’t willing to behave. I also had my wisdom teeth removed. It was a little uncomfortable but the painkillers were great. lol. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - 05:23 As mentioned in this section of the video, if you have long hair content you think would be suitable for our community and want to be featured, please send your content to 37 Days of Hair Growth - 07:00 On the 37th day of growing my hair out I was required to make a trip for a work retreat to a place called Hervey bay, just north of where I live. When we’re on retreat, it’s not day spas and facials, let me tell you haha. It’s more of a quarterly reflection for the team I work with to review how we went over the past three month and setting goals on what we’re going to focus on next. Because the end of year was near when this particular retreat went on we did a company wrap up just before going on holidays. 42 Days of Hair Growth - 08:56 Hooray! This was the day I received my Watermans Grow me products! Big shout out to Ken from Watermans! If you guys haven’t read his book called “The Men’s Guide to Hair Growth” I seriously recommend you give it a read. Ken has done so much good work on hair loss and is definitely worth a read. You can see his book here: Ken was kind enough to send me 2 bottles of the GrowMe Shampoo & Conditioner along with a Grow More Elixir & the brand new Masque Me treatment that Watermans have just brought out. WATERMANS PRODUCTS Watermans GrowMe Shampoo: Watermans GrowMe Conditioner: Watermans Grow More Elixir: Watermans MasqueMe Hair Treatment: And if you wanna learn more about these products, i’ve done a full review over on my website: 52 Days of Hair Growth - 10:13 Happy New Year! Right about here in the video lol. I was lucky enough to spend New Years eve out on the town with my bestie Oli. Covid-19 has been contained really well in the state that I live in and I was so grateful that socialism was actually an option for me. I hope you made your new year the best it could be with what you were permitted to do at the time and my fingers are crossed that 2021 is going to be way better for everyone. In this section of the video you can see the awkward stage is really starting to creep up on me and it was JUST able to style my hair into a somewhat “ok look” for new year! NEW YEARS HAIRSTYLE PRODUCTS BluMaan Monarch Matte Paste: Sebastian Trilliant Heat Protectant: Dyson Supersonic: Teasing Comb for Shaping: 57 Days of Hair Growth - 16:19 This section of the video was my first bit of footage for 2021 and just a wrap up of the months and I went into the Watermans product range with a bit more detail for any of you that are interested in trying them out. Overall, I think month 2 has been a pretty big success. I’m still not mad at how I look which upon reflection is super interesting. The reason I find it interesting is because when I started growing my hair out from a disconnected undercut, stage 2 seems so much worse than what I’m experiencing right now and I feel like it’s because there’s no contrast in what normally looks good compared to what two months of growth looks like. I’m going to cover more of this in month 3 but yeah, it’s a really interesting take away for me right now lol. Please remember to smash the thumbs up button as you know it helps me out and I’ll see you all next month for my third episode! Yours in good hair, Thomas In Action. Come Follow Me Here: Main Website: Online Store: Personal Website: Pinterest: Instagram: @thomasinaction & @manbunsandmanes Snapchat: tgard46 Facebook: Reddit: