Channel: Work With Nature - How to Grow Food!
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: nitrogen fixing trees indiasoilfoodwebweedingnitrogen fixing treesnatural farming in indianitrogen fixing trees in agroforestryagriculturemulchinggardening in the tropicsfarming in indiatropical farmingno dig gardeningnodig farmingherbicidesmulchno tillkeralaorganic gardeningnotill farmingseedbombsliving mulchweeds and farmingweedkillerstypes of agriculturenitrogen fixing plants used by farmersnatural farmingdealing with weeds
Description: Buy Organic Seeds here! In this second video on sorghum & no - dig gardening experiment we will look at how the crop is doing and some more updates as the plants are growing. We will also look at the best way to use weeds in the organic / natural garden. #nodig#nodiggardening#naturalfarming