Channel: Konstantin Bogdanov
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: v8modelingscx10truckdeep snowscalewinterfordaluminumpowder3.8 wheelsv8 engineexceed1/6multi motorfoil4 motorstrencherstyrenecustommetaltekinbroncoprolinercaxialmadtorquewraithcrawlerbuildsnow1966snow wheeling
Description: Scratch built foil body, four 35T motors, extended with 3D printed parts Axial Wraith axles, wood frame, Proline Trencher 3.8 wheels and tires, two servos Exceed MaxStone links, Mad Torque dual ESC, scx10 transmission, 2:1 rate sub-transmission. Marty McFly action figure. ♦Ford Bronco build thread: ♦1/6 chassis: