Channel: Taryl Fixes All
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: modnut roasterwheelienutdiyrimantiqueball burneruprestorationtiresalltechbeltoldrimsmodificationrj-58horseresto-modsystemvintagemowerwheelhorseoverpoweredfixeddrivelawnelk skinssoupedridingfixesrideballgrasstractorrats1958belts1950sburnerongrass ratspart 5taryl fixes allslipperswheelsupedcustomgaragetarylrestomodtechnologywheelie horsepart 4restopart 3rj58part 2roasterpart 1gardenpulleyrj 58
Description: In part 3 of Slippers' (and plenty of assistance from Taryl) 1958 RJ58 Wheel Horse Custom Resto-Mod, Slippers goes over more of what him and Taryl have done to this thing in order to spruce it up and get it closer to wheelie-popping! As the video comes to a close they realize a big problem with their design and will have to re-think the entire idea... What's the problem?? Tune in here to see where they're at on Slippers' custom RJ58 Resto-Mod! And as Slippers always says... There's Your Supper!! Subscribe Today! (Click the 'Subscribe' button on this channel!) Some parts in this video supplied by VMC. Check Them out here: Be sure to 'Like' Taryl on Facebook! And Follow him on Instagram! @tarylfixesall Pick up YOUR Taryl Apparel Here! (Shipping Worldwide Daily) Get Your Parts From and Tell 'em "Taryl Sent Me!" Grass Rats Garage Theme Music Available!! Pick up a physical copy on CD from the Taryl Online Store: #WheelHorse #RJ58 #restoration #tarylfixesall #grassratsgarage #slippers #kerwinPslippers #restomod #tractor #ridingmower #vintagetractor #vintage #diy #custom #howto #diy #restore #1958 #mower #smallenginerepair #funnyhowtovideos #elkskins #taryl #taryldactal