Channel: Knowledge Feed
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: you won't believebizarrelongestweirdest insects on earthbiggest insectsdangerousstrangestmost bizarre insectsbugsamazingbeetlebiggestwalking stickinsectcoolestunusualaround the worldantarcticunbelievabletop bestcreaturesnatureincredibleheaviestgiant insectsrealinsectsactually existstrangemostbombardier beetleweirdknowledge feedspeciesgiant hornethouse centipedeweirdestgiant bugs
Description: From a strange centipede that could be living in your home to the biggest and heaviest insects you won't believe actually exist. Subscribe to Knowledge Feed for awesome mysteries, discoveries, fun topics and all around AWESOME videos ! European Earwig These guys are really big pests and have been known to destroy entire crops. Obviously they have a sordid relationship with human beings. They’re also bad when they manage to get inside your house, something that happens a lot in North America. They’ll eat the stuff in your pantry and hide in crevices where you can’t see them. And though they rarely do, they also have the ability to fly. Everything about this insect screams no thank you. Giant Long Legged Katydid (katie did) The orchid mantis has a rival as far as camouflage ability goes. Obviously, the giant long legged katydid has a really good chance of blending into its forest environment. All they they have to do is find a bush with leaves and as you can see they’re set. They’re really big insects, some of the largest in the world, but they’re totally harmless. Like many creatures they’re more scared of you than you are of them. Not only do they stand out visually, but audibly as well. Males produce an extremely high pitched noise to attract a mate, making them one of the loudest known insects in existence. Giant Water Bug Found in freshwater ponds and streams across the globe, giant water bugs are a popular food in some parts of southeast Asia, which to my American taste buds seems pretty gross. Unlike most animals males work very hard in reproduction. Females will lay her eggs on the male’s wings. Those guys are then forced to carry the load until they hatch. During this time, not only are they carrying all of these heavy eggs around but they also can’t mate. Australian Walking Stick Endemic to Australia these walking sticks are large and spiky. They use their thorn like spikes for defense and as a means to hide in plain site. Japanese Giant Hornet These giant hornets are some of the world’s largest, with a wingspan that nears two and a half inches. They’re also ruthless in the bug world and can destroy entire bee hives. When they locate a hive of European honey bees they quickly go to work. They leave pheromone markers to attract other hornets. Thirty hornets can desecrate an entire hive and thirty thousand bees in under four hours. Not only do they destroy the bees, they dismember them and take their thorax to their nests to feed their larvae. Jeez, clearly things can get brutal in the bug world. Horse Fly You’ve got to watch out for these fearsome flies. They bite animals, including humans to get to their blood. Females mouthparts act as stabbing organs with two pairs of razor sharp cutting blades and a spongy growth that they use to suck up all the blood. Antarctic Midge So are there any pesky insects on Antarctica? Yes, but just one, the Belgica antarctica, or Antarctic midge. They’re tiny, flightless bugs endemic to the icy continent. At just a quarter inch long they represent Antarctica’s biggest purely terrestrial animals. It spends nearly its entire two year life frozen and in larval form. It’s 99 million nucleotides (nucle ugh tides), or DNA’s building blocks, make their genome the smallest ever sequenced in an insect. Cicadas Here’s an incredible image of a cicada as it's molting or shedding it's exoskeleton in order to grow. What a fascinating site. Cicadas are very interesting creatures. There are 1,300 species that exist around the world. Some, called periodic cicadas spend most of their lives buried underground, emerging after 13 or 17 years in huge numbers to overwhelm potential predators. Bombardier Beetle Found on every continent outside Antarctica these insane bugs are most notable for a crazy defensive mechanism that they possess. They have the ability to turn their abdomen 360 degrees and shoot a burning hot noxious chemical spray from it's tip. The effects to attacking predators can be fatal, and wow what a terrible way to go. Gordian Worm These small worms can be found in damp areas like streams and cisterns. As adults they're pretty much just worms, but as larvae they are parasitic on arthropods. They’ll infect other insects like cockroaches or crickets. This affects the infected animals brain, causing it to find water and drown itself, returning the parasitic worm to it's natural, preferred environment. While they go after arthropods, there have been a few cases of accidental infections involving dogs and even human beings. The House Centipede This frightening species of insect originated in the Mediterranean region and spread around the world. They come in different shapes and colors, but have at least fifteen pairs of legs and are guaranteed to be absolutely terrifying. The worst part is that they have a tendency to end up in human homes. Sleep well...