Channel: The Supreme
Category: Entertainment
Tags: never seen beforedeep seano one would believediver capturessea momentsrare momentsstrangestmomentamazingscary seadeep sea mysteriesscaryat seacamerarare eventsfound onlinesea videosnewdeep ocean creaturesdeep sea diverscaught on cameradeep oceanpeoplescary sea momentssupposed to seeinsane sea momentsfound in the oceanscary oceanweird thingsno one was supposed to
Description: The ocean is a big and amazing place. It could also be called nightmare inducing. Whether you love the ocean or avoid it like the plague, you have to admit there is some crazy and interesting moments, both today and throughout history, that took place on the waves. It gave rise to all life on the planet, after all, so some respect in its role of the natural order should be adhered to, in the least. From alien like creatures never before seen by expert or amateur eyes before, to the recurrent misfortune of a human at sea, here are 15 shocking moment caught in the middle of the ocean For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: