Channel: Tim Minchin
Category: Music
Tags: songshamenew songcomedy15 minutesmusical comedytim minchinfifteen minutes
Description: Here is the first of what will hopefully be an album worth of song releases in 2019. I hope it amuses. xt 14th January 2019: Now available to download or stream from all the usual places including: Australia: iTunes & Apple Music: UK: iTunes & Apple Music: Amazon UK: US: iTunes & Apple Music: Amazon US: Further streaming and download links: Orchestrated and Produced by Daniel Denholm Engineered by Daniel Denholm at Point Blank Sound Orchestra recorded by Brent Clark @Trackdown Scoring Stage Mixed by Tim Palmer @ 62’ Studios Piano and Vocals - Tim Minchin Guitar - Jak Housden Bass - James Haselwood Drums - Evan Mannell Backing Vocals - Jak Housden, Sarah Belkner, James Haselwood, Ben Vanderwal Mastering - Ryan Smith @ Sterling Sound Nashville String Section - Contractor and Leader - Veronique Serret 15 Minutes By now we thought that there would be Jetpacks and flying cars Robots to do the cleaning up for us And help with the shopping. We’d all be famous for bit That’s what Andy Warhol said, Thought we’d all get our coloured head Well the truth would rock him He may be surprised To wake up and find That we have weaponised Humiliation In the future, everyone Everyone will have Their 15 minutes 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes where they Are unforgivable. Pick up your pitchfork and your torch We’ll go hunt the monster down But keep an eye out for uneven ground We’ll turn on you if you stumble. Don’t need perspective or a heart Leave humility at home Welcome to the glasshouse, hope you brought your stones Are you ready to rumble? I am scared to write Anything that might Upset my own tribe But never mind, cos In the future, everyone Everyone will have Their 15 minutes 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes where they Are unforgivable Irredeemable Inexcusable scum Fit only to be strung up In the village square I will see you there I am scared to say Anything that may Be taken the wrong way But fuck it, baby In the future, everyone Everyone will have 15 minutes 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes where they Are unforgivable 15 minutes 15 minutes of shame 15 minutes where they Are unforgivable, irredeemable Inexcusable Unforgivable, irredeemable Inexcusable Unforgivable, irredeemable Inexcusable …