Channel: Adam’s English Lessons · engVid
Category: Education
Tags: native englishducks in a rowtwo to tangotoeflby the bookenglish grammargrammarvocabularyenglish classesspeakingget off the groundenglishenglish lessonconversation skillsenglish pronunciationcut throatsubject (grammar)square onebusinesspronunciationword of mouthworkslangthink outside the boxno strings attachedengvidexpressionscomprehensionstart from scratchnative speakercutthroatcut cornersieltsidiomlearn englishesl
Description: Learn 12 common expressions used in professional English – in business, in the workplace, and in professional emails, calls, and presentations. Are you trying to get your business off the ground? Then avoid cutting corners as you improve your English skills. Business English has idioms that you need to learn in order to communicate effectively with native English speakers. In this video we’ll look at 12 idioms related to the business world: get one’s ducks in a row, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, back to square one, cut corners, by the book, get off the ground, no strings attached, think outside the box, it takes two to tango, cutthroat, and word of mouth. Watch the lesson and then test your understanding with the quiz. More of my business English lessons to watch: Business Acronyms & Abbreviations Business English Vocabulary: The Stock Market