Channel: Creative Science (1)
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: moc3021 triac driver circuit4017 icmoc3021 optocouplerbt136 projectspic16f84a projectsled chaser circuithow to make led chaser circuithow to make4017 ic projectspic16f84a led chaserled flasher circuitled chaserhow to make led chaserbt136 transistor4017 led chaserled blinking circuit
Description: Best & Fast Prototype ($2 for 1-4 Layer PCBs) Check Out Link : PCB Layout, Silkscreen, Schematic, Gerber File, Hex ***************************** Component List: 24 x 470 Ohm Resistors 12 x 330 Ohm Resistors 4.7K Resistor 2 x 27pF Capacitors 4 MHz Crystal 18 Pin IC Base 47uF 25V Capacitor Tactile Switch 220nF Capacitor 78L05 Voltage Regulator 12 x 5mm Green LEDs 12 x MOC3021 12 x BT136 Triac 13 x Screw Terminal PIC16F84A Microcontroller ***************************** Follow Creative Science On : # Facebook # Instagram # Twitter # Pinterest ***************************** Tags: