Channel: IJAMinecraft
Category: Gaming
Tags: satisfying machinesija10 satisfying machines10 satisfying thingscommand blocksminecraft very satisfying machineselectro swingshearing machinesatisying minecraftsatisfying redstoneminecraft top machinesvery satisfyingjumping redstoneredstone wave machinecheckerboxcolored sheepextremely satisfyingmob multiplierijaminecraftsatisfying thingsminecraft machines
Description: Prepare for 10 very satisfying Minecraft machines! No mods were used, and the machines all run on the magic power of command blocks! This is a bit of a different video again! My last compilation in Minecraft was already 4 or 5 years ago, so it was time for a new one! And I thought to myself, let's not make everyone wait for 3 weeks again for a new video, so I made this! I decided to make these "satisfying things" after I saw some people do stuff like that on YouTube! I was inspired to create my own, but to make them special with the help of command blocks! If you're interested, here's the people who inspired me to create this video! Mumbo Jumbo: Peppzzii: The 10 machines shown in this video may not have a real purpose or use, but they sure are cool to look at! From a very satisfying shearing machine and a building cloner to an infinite spiral and a mob multiplier, everything that the heart requires to be satisfied is here! Timestamps 00:00 Wave Machine 00:30 Shearin Machine 01:03 Building Cloner 01:21 Infinite Button 01:44 Sand Filler 02:09 Checkerboard 02:42 Infinite Spiral 03:07 Rising Spiral 03:28 Water Remover 04:03 Mob Multiplier #satisfying #machines #ija ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE and HIT THE 🔔! • YOUTUBE: • TWITTER: 🎵 Music: "When the Music Goes Around" by TeknoAXE Song: TeknoAXE: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬