Channel: flickin facts
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: dubai travel guidedubai rulesthings not to do in dubaiwhat not to do in dubailife hackdubai lifestyleamazing factsdubai attractionsonly in dubaithings you should never do in dubaidubai beachdubai citytop dubai attractionstourist destinationdubai lifethings to do in dubaidubai lawsplaces to visit in dubaifacts about dubaiamazing things dubaiplaces in dubaidubai tourismtravel vlogwhat to do in dubaidubai facts
Description: Dubai is one of the most favorite tourist destinations around the world. From the tallest building to the rides in Safari Dubai is a destination that mixes modern culture with history, adventure with world-class shopping and entertainment. There are a lot of things that you can do while you travel to Dubai but here we have a strange but interesting list of 10 things that YOU CAN NOT DO IN DUBAI! Please support us by subscribing to our channel so that we can keep continue to make quality content for you! Thank You