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10 Foods You Need to Stop Eating

Duration: 15:30Views: 114.7KLikes: 1.9KDate Created: Aug, 2017

Channel: EatMyClick

Category: Entertainment

Tags: why you need to stop eating these foodsfoodsfoods you should never eatdon’t eat these foodsweight losshealtheatingfooddietinglifestylenutritioneatmyclickhealthyunhealthyeatunhealthy foodsbad foodsunhealthy fooddiet

Description: 10 Foods You Should Stop Eating Right Now! In this video we take a look at 10 different foods that we think you should probably stop eating for health or environmental reasons. Some of these foods are marketed as healthy or even health foods, but in reality many of them are not good for you or the planet. We think some of the foods on this list will surprise you, as they are things we eat and consume every day. So if you want to become healthier and start eating better foods, this video might just be for you. EatMyClick presents - 10 Foods You Should Never Eat part 2 10 Foods You Should Never Eat - Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=A_WqXYbghRw 7 Foods You Should Probably Stop Eating - Part 3 - youtube.com/watch?v=V9ApMVEVz44 Thank you for watching EatMyClick, click here to Subscribe - goo.gl/imm8Wm Foods You Should Never Eat Sources: 10. Energy Drinks (Source - blog.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/2012/04/04/energy-drinks-good-or-bad, independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/14-year-old-girl-dies-of-heart-attack-after-drinking-two-cans-of-high-caffeine-monster-energy-drink-8222849.html) 9. Low Fat Chips (Olestra) (Source - mercola.com/infographics/10-banned-foods.htm) 8. Milk and Dairy Products Laced With rBGH (Source - cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/recombinant-bovine-growth-hormone.html) 7. Gluten-Free Junk Foods (Sources - authoritynutrition.com/20-foods-to-avoid-like-the-plague/) 6. Strawberries (Non Organic) (Source - revealnews.org/article-legacy/7-things-to-know-before-you-eat-your-next-strawberry/) 5. Brominated Vegetable Oil (Source - articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/01/11/brominated-vegetable-oil-in-us-soda.aspx abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/Food/11-foods-banned-us/story?id=19457237#5) 4. Fish (Fishless Oceans) (Source - seeker.com/oceans-fish-could-disappear-by-2050-1765058733.html, news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/11/061102-seafood-threat.html, vocativ.com/401317/oceans-fishless-global-warming, fishcount.org.uk/fish-count-estimates, smallplanet.org/content/one-billion-people-depend-seafood-their-primary-protein-source, independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/great-barrier-reef-dying-coral-bleaching-global-warming-australia-climate-change-a7761351.html) 3. Bread with Potassium Bromate (Source - mercola.com/infographics/10-banned-foods.htm) 2. Processed Foods With Artificial Food Colors (Source - mercola.com/infographics/10-banned-foods.htm) 1. Processed Meat (Bacon) (Source - eatthis.com/foods-most-likely-to-cause-cancer, who.int/features/qa/cancer-red-meat/en, bbc.co.uk/news/health-34620617) Thanks for watching EatMyClick. If you enjoyed the video make sure you subscribe for content just like this. #Unhealthy #Foods #Food

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