Channel: Olivia Vargus
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: fidma day in my life in collegefidm los angelesmorning routineoliviaback to schoolfall maorning routinelife hacksfidm lacollege freshmenfreshmen advicea day in my lifefreshmenvarguslivvarguscollege morning routinecollege life hacksback to school life hacksmorning routine life hackslos angeles
Description: Hey guys! This video is my college life hacks and advice for freshmen with the help of Alexa and my @Amazon Echo Dot! #AskAlexa | S O C I A L M E D I A | insta: @Livvargus twitter: @Livvargus spotify: OliviaVargus | F T C | Thank you Amazon for sponsoring this video! | B U S I N E S S |