Channel: BrainfooTV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: cloud buster swordcloudbustercloudbuster swordfinal fantasyhow to makebuster sword replicasmall swordmini weaponbuster swordff7knife makingfinal fantasy viicloud strifemakeminiature swordfunfinal fantasy 7toy
Description: Sorry but website with templates and plans is now down thanks to hackers and running costs. In this project I make the famous Cloudbuster sword from the Final Fantasy games with an angle grinder, drill and hand tools. To make this a REAL miniature sword I used high tensile bolts because of the high carbon content which can be re-hardened afterwards. The bolts were M16 x 120mm. After cutting the blade and handle section I cut the Gem detailed holders separately so they could be riveted together with 1mm panel pin nails. A cut section of extendable aerial holds in place the 2 Sapphires and 2 Emeralds that make up the Materia embedded in the blade of the Cloudbuster sword. For something of this quality it was not an expensive build. The blade was hardened in oil by using 4 small food torches. I tried to harden just the blade or blade edge but not the rest of the steel. This was almost successful. 80% of the blade edge was hard, but the very centre and the tip were slightly softer than I would have liked. In the video you can see they are not quite hot enough in those places. You Live and learn. Music tracks used... Track 1: Got Me Stone Cold - Tape Machines Available on Epidemic Sounds Track 2: Planet Legacy - Roman P Available from Track 3: Aspire to Aspire - Howard Harper Barnes Available on Epidemic Sounds WARNING!!! Copying anything you see in this video or on the website is done at your own risk entirely, the purpose of the video is to entertain and educate, not to emulate.