Channel: William Strife
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftstrife solutionsminecraft 100 daysminecraft 1.18minecraft houseminecraft bedrock pcwilliam strifeyogscastsphaxjava edition
Description: Will's new project finally lays literal foundations while he barks orders at and is dissapointed by Tevela's defiance. Support this project and others on Patreon: Additional art by Tevela: Twitch - Twitter - Here you can feel the age of the episode unless you're watching years after it's upload, in which case the ENTIRE thing is old. But amongst an old half life joke and a typo no one ever caught this episode really shows the change in dynamic between Tevela and Will. This was such early days it predates the series Solution's & Order. If you pay close enough attention you can feel the lack of relationship between the characters, as it's not yet been felt out between the players behind them. You can consider this a sort fo time capsule which will almost certainly experience a drastic change when the episodes NOT recorded two years earlier happen.