Channel: America's Navy
Category: Education
Tags: navythe navyqusn0686000hunited states navywomen in the navy sealsday in the life of a female navy sailorfemale sailoramerica’s navyfemale military motivationwomen in the navyfemale navy boot camp experienceus navywomen’s hair in the militarymilitaryu.s. navywomen in the military
Description: A career in the Navy is a chance to push your limits personally and professionally. Don’t be the one who says you can’t do it. Make history here: Female. Mother. Woman. Warrior—today’s fleet isn’t dominated by male energy. Women walk the halls of submarines, guard the gates of bases around the world, laugh at the grease from a hard day in the hangar bay and save lives by disarming IEDs in the field. It is pretty simple: Navy women get things done.