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When Freddie Mercury Drank Alcohol

Duration: 03:36Views: 536.8KLikes: 3.1KDate Created: Dec, 2018

Channel: HYPEN - Tops & More

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: queen rare videoqueen songsfreddie mercury deathqueenfreddie mercury rare videofreddie mercury restmercuryfreddie mercury funfreddie mercury queenfreddie mercury 1970sfreddie mercury 1980sfreddie mercury rare footagequeen rare footagemercury songsqueen lyricsfreddie mercury drinking beerfreddie mercury lifefreddie mercury funny momentsfreddie mercury drinking alcoholqueen lead singerfreddie mercury distractionfreddie mercury

Description: Someone asked if Freddie Mercury was an alcoholic. Freddie did not drink alcohol every day. Unlike the image of the hell-raiser, with a bottle constantly raised to his lips, Freddie certainly preferred his liquid refreshment from a glass, crystal, if he was at home, whether it was a beer, champagne or vodka and tonic. There were days when he didn’t drink anything other than tea and some fresh squeezed juices. Barbara Valentin had a good phrase for those days away from the bars….the milk days. These were the days when they gave their bodies a chance to recover from the nights of excess. Freddie also generally knew his limit, though there were one or two occasions he went a little beyond it. Freddie used the alcohol to raise his spirits, and the alcohol also served to lower his shyness threshold when he was out with his friends in the bars. #FreddieMercury #Queen #Mercury

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