Channel: Wild We Roam
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: wild we roamunderwater footagehawaiipacific oceanthe oceanmauifalling back in love
Description: A big thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this video and making these stories possible. If you’d like to open your own online shop or create a website go to for 10% of your first purchase. How do you feel about the ocean? Does the deepwater scare you or invite you in? For me, the ocean has always been a place of rejuvenation. I loved playing in the waves as a child. Through our years exploring van life, we were always called to the coast spending months on end in Portugal and Greece hugging the ocean side landscapes. And then there was the boat... and the passage... and I saw the ocean in a whole new way. I witnessed her power. The intensity. How small we are in comparison to her vastness. And well... it's taken me some time to fall back in love and I am so grateful for this current point in our life when I have the time and space to fall back in love with the ocean. Diving below and hearing the whale songs, swimming alongside beautiful creatures like turtles and octopuses... it really feels like we're living in an aquarium. (We shoot a lot of our underwater footage zoomed in with the lens and then crop the 4k footage in post, even more, to make it look nice and big on the screen, but underwater while freediving we try our best to maintain the 6-10ft they recommend here for turtles in Hawaii by law. Also, if you are worried about people swimming too close to turtles, we've learned it's best never to shout "turtle" or "octopus" to your partner while swimming because it attracts a ton of people who surround the little creature!). We don't get to the ocean every day, but we try to get there once a week and when we do it feels like we're teleporting into a different world. I hope you enjoy this visual love letter to the ocean that Lou put together. I know it's a video I will always cherish. Oh also, Lou was inspired to flip some of the underwater footage in post-production from our good friend Ed's video, that he made a few years ago about a trip to Tulum - If you want to see the blogpost I wrote to go with this video check it out here - Big hugs, Dana ....................... Want to Support Us? Purchase Our Merch Purchase our eBook Live Creatively at Join our Patreon: ....................................................... MUSIC We find all our music on Epidemic Sound, you can too with this 30 Day Free Trial: ........................................................ What Camera Gear Do We Use? For our full gear list and reviews go to ........................................................ Keep in