Channel: Dr. Vivek Bindra: Motivational Speaker
Category: Education
Tags: good news todayfundinglifetime membershipfund raising showreality showentrepreneurshipdr vivek bindra interview with shweta singhdr vivek bindrastartupshorse stablemicro economicsbada businessbusiness communityaaj tak interview of dr vivek bindrashweta singhguinness world recordmotivational speakeraajtakmotivational videobusiness concepts by dr vivek bindrastartup gurufunding showbusiness ideas funding showgolden book of record
Description: Watch this interesting interactive session in which Dr. Vivek Bindra is in a candid conversation with TV reporter Shweta Singh from the news channel Aaj Tak. In this interview, Dr. Bindra gives answers to many relative questions of Shweta Singh about the Indian startup ecosystem. ========================================================================= Dr. Vivek Bindra is the Founder CEO Of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd., One Of The Most Progressive Ed-Tech platforms in South East Asia. He is the Only Business Mentor In The World To receive 8 Guinness World Records. This Is the World's Most Subscribed Entrepreneurial YouTube Channel, With a Viewership of 1.2 billion+ viewership. Business Coaching Programs (BCP) are specially designed courses to give a holistic view of business operations that will enable you to build high-performing business frameworks, curate powerful strategies that will drive innovation, and boost profitable growth with the hand-holding support of a Personalized Business Coach. To Join Business Coaching Program : Call - 9810544443 Website - ----------------------------------------------------------------- To Download Bada Business App Click on This Link - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow our Official Social Media pages- Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Instagram - And, get updates of recent happenings, events, seminars, blog articles, and daily motivation. #Startup #DrVivekBindra #AajTak #Growth #Motivatiion #BadaBusiness #ShwetaSingh