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19 Types of Students in an Exam

Duration: 21:08Views: 8.2MLikes: 157.2KDate Created: Nov, 2021

Channel: JianHao Tan

Category: Comedy

Tags: youtubestudyexam daybeforeexaminationsstudentsorganisationjianhaotannicolekim leeepisode 45jianhao tanjian hao tanep 45singaporeanannualthe jianhao tanaftertypes of studentslizdianayoutubersjianhaotypes ofstudyingexpelledhomeworktitan academythejianhaotancleverlydenisecheatingjian haoyoutubercheatcheatersexamsingaporeregnaexamsorganizationfinaldebbie

Description: It's exam time again. But this year, those who fail will get expelled. Who will pass? Who will fail? [Titan Academy Ep.45] Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/thejianhaotan Featuring: Class T1-t5 students: Debbie: instagram.com/debbwie Jasmine: instagram.com/jasminelhr Nicole: instagram.com/nicolekittykatx/?hl=en Sherly: instagram.com/lyzpopz Abbey: instagram.com/abbeypuppey Denise: instagram.com/denisesoongeelyn PeiShi: instagram.com/speishi Ridhwan: instagram.com/ridhwannabe Ben: instagram.com/bentanggg Juhi: instagram.com/juhinars Vincent: instagram.com/itsvincentsin Kevin: instagram.com/kaleidoscovin Hakim: instagram.com/Runawaykim Leonard: instagram.com/leonardlyy Abbey: instagram.com/abbeypuppey Vicky: instagram.com/yklvv Trev: instagram.com/trevtham Class n4-t1 students: Diana: instagram.com/dianabakar_ Lizz: instagram.com/kylolizy Grace: instagram.com/graceglazee Crystabel: instagram.com/crysta.bel DeZhong: instagram.com/deprinceofzhong Rainer: instagram.com/rxiner Patrine: instagram.com/patrinechoo Ferra: instagram.com/ferraxferynna Titan Academy Teacher: Ferina: instagram.com/furrynaa TitanStudios: instagram.com/titanstudiossg Director: JianHao Tan Producer: Amander Liew Editor: Hakim Cinematographer: Danial Ron, Hakim, Yanz Sound: Sam, Qushey Lighting: Kai Le, Sanjay Written By: JianHao Tan, Vincent Sin Set Design: Erica Koh, Eileen Cheah Production Assistants: Kevin Foo, Darrel, Ethan Get your merch now: teamtitanstore.com Join our Discord Server: discord.gg/hao Join our Telegram group: t.me/Amonghao Business enquiries: business@thejianhaotan.com Titan Digital Media: titandigitalmedia.com DISCLAIMER: Titan Digital Media is registered under the Infocomm Media Development Authority as a company under the SSIC code 59. This video was filmed under the Safety Regulations for the Resumption of Content Production and follows safety measures set by IMDA.

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