Channel: Harlem Globetrotters
Category: Sports
Tags: globetrottersamazing basketball trick shotsworld recordhighest basketballharlem globe trottersamazingincredible basketballbasketballhow to play basketball4 pointinsanedunksharlem globetrottersawesome basketball videosbasketball trick shotshow to dunknbaawesome basketballlongest shothighest shotmost dunksdribbleball handlingcraziest shot4-pointerworld record basketball
Description: Don't Give Up: After three years of failing to break the Guinness World Record for the Most Dribbles in One Minute, Wham Middleton finally succeeded. On his face, you could see his concentration and determination. Wham is now a nine-time Guinness World Record holder, and he hopes to set more. ▶ SUBSCRIBE for Globetrotter Action all year round: ▶ Follow the Globetrotters 24/7 on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ▶ Go to ...and come and see us when we visit your city!