Channel: Hungry Covers
Category: Music
Tags: hungry coversno drugs just crazychester benningtonsafe raspyoutube coversimpersonationjustin bonitzmetalinsane performancejames hetfield2020tallahhow to sing with raspsaint angermetallicanew metallicaimpressioncrazy vocal rangethe best metallica albumst. angerhungry lightsamazing singer
Description: MY MUSIC AND SOCIAL MEDIA IS ALL LINKED HERE: Join my Patreon (linked above) to gain access to unlisted vocal videos, vocal tutorials, behind-the-scenes content, live Q&As, and receive videos a whole day before everybody else! Hoot me this... You ready for a real-time, one-take vocal cover of Metallica's "St. Anger"?? Unpopular opinion, but this is honestly my favorite Metallica song and album. Sure, The Black Album and And Justice For All were fantastic, but something about the St. Anger songs and mix was way more aesthetically pleasing to my ears. Sue me! For anyone wondering, the vocal distortion technique I am using in this video is a tonal false cord, and it is totally safe. Outside of Tallah and my solo stuff, I am a vocal coach, so if anyone wants lessons, hit me up at "" I have been doing harsh and clean vocals since 2007, and I am a very accommodating teacher. š Thank you so much for all of your support! š #justinbonitz #hungrycovers #callitego