Channel: Little Book Owl
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Description: books I want to read in May Asian Readathon Twitter - Info - The Name of the Book Club Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - Cosmerealong w/ Royally Booked Club Twitter - @Rachael Marie Cosmerealong announcement - @Books with Chloe Best manga/graphic novels/comics of 2018 - S Y M B O L S 🎁 - gifted 🏷️ $ - bought myself ✉️ REV - received for review from publisher/author 💼 W - books published by Hachette, my employer ⭐ AD - sponsored ☁️ AFF - affiliate links (I receive a small commission) *TW - trigger warnings available in description T R I G G E R W A R N I N G S Note: I will only include trigger warnings for books I have read D I S C O U N T C O D E S - I receive NO commission ➳ Use ‘BOOKOWL’ for 10% off at (first box in the monthly subscription only) ➳ Use 'LITTLEBOOKOWL5' for 5% off at (3 or 6 month subscriptions only) A F F I L I A T E L I N K S - I receive a small commission ➳ Use 'igamb3283' for 2 months of Skillshare Premium for FREE: ➳ Get a free audiobook: ➳ Shop with Book Depository (free shipping to most countries): D I S C L A I M E R This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. M U S I C To My Soul by Jerry Folk F I N D M E ➳ I N S T A ➳ T W I T T E R ➳ G O O D R E A D S ➳ W E B S I T E ➳ F A C E B O O K F A Q ○ Where are you from/what is your accent? I am Australian ○ What camera do you use? Canon EOS60D for regular videos Canon PowerShot G7 for vlogging ○ What do you use to edit your videos? Final Cut Pro ○ What did you study? I have a Bachelor of Arts with a major in English & minor in Anthropology