Channel: Fermilab
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: expandingbiggalaxiesreasonyearexistencebig bangspaceyearsbangage of the universecosmicexpansion of the universehistorymysteries of the universeastronomyphysicistexpansionlightbackgroundsciencelightyeartheorysize of the universebeginningscientistoriginwhygeneral relativitycosmologyexplainedmattermisconceptionspeedhubblehowbillionphysicsoriginssingularitymicrowavelearndon lincolnstarscosmostruthian krassearthuniversefermilabtimeage
Description: People who encounter the theory of the Big Bang for the first time often ask “so where did it happen?” In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln tells us the answer – everywhere. Just as your mom told you, you can think of yourself as the center of the universe. If the universe is only 14 billion years old, how can it be 92 billion light years wide?: What really happened at the Big Bang?: Fermilab physics 101: Fermilab home page: