Channel: Geeky Shows
Category: Education
Tags: django apidjango web apidata validationrest apidjango channelscreate django projectdjango real-time datadjango channel layerswebsocket apidjango websocketdjango form apidjango rest frameworkdjangowebsocketdjango chat applicationweb apidjango complete hindi
Description: Database in Django Channels 00:00 Introduction to Database 02:25 database_sync_to_async 05:01 Activating Virtual ENV 05:18 Create Django Project 05:38 Configurations 07:07 Consumer Routing Template Url and View 08:08 Run Project 12:10 Create Chat Model 14:39 Create Group Model 16:00 Migrate 16:31 Create Super User 16:50 Create Model Admin 17:37 Admin Login 19:05 Saving Group Name 24:13 Displaying Chat 26:55 Saving Chats 27:48 String to Python 41:44 AsyncConsumer Django Channels Playlist: Django REST Framework Playlist: Django Playlist: Learn more about subject: ________________________________________________ If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. If you have questions ask below in comment section. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later. ________________________________________________ T A L K W I T H M E ! Business Email: Facebook: Twitter: Website: _______________________________________________ Make sure you LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, and REQUEST A VIDEO! :) _______________________________________________