Channel: World Animal Awareness Society
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: howl of a doganimal videorescue dog with tumorrescuing roguerescue dog#hopeforpawsviktor larkhill let's adopt internationalhope for paws rescues roxy a dog with a tumorthe rescuers dnahope for pawshomeless dog rescuepuppy rescueviktor larkhill rescues roxy with tumorviktor larkhilldogswa2s filmsworld animal awareness societydogstray dog rescuedog rescuedog rescue videorescuepettom mcphee
Description: #HopeForPaws #RescueDog With #Tumor Featuring Viktor Larkhill World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films WA2S Films Facebook: Help the World Animal Awareness Society save thousands of at risk dogs around the world. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and save more lives! Subscribe and stay tuned for more videos from the WA2S Films official YouTube Channel: WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee c. 2021 All Rights Reserved Hire WA2S Films & Support Animal Rescue Around The World 818.561.5109 Studio Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: