Category: Howto & Style
Tags: continuous integrationcsscirclecijsnodejsbranchhow-toweb developercontinuousjenkinsweb developmenthtmltutorialstagingdeploymentcdgithubworkflowcitestingjavascriptmasterjenkins tutorialnode.jsframeworknode.js continuous deploymentintegrationcodeshipcontinuous deploymentsemaphorenodejs continuous deployment
Description: Let's improve application workflow significantly by adding continuous deployment! HERE'S THE REPO: SEMAPHORE COUPON!: LEARNCODEACADEMY25 gets you 25% off any plan for 3mo on Continuous deployment is one of the easiest ways to DRASTICALLY improve workflow for any application. You simply have your continuous integration service of choice run a deploy script against your server. Now, whenever you merge to master, your code is out on production and when you merge on staging, it's out on a staging server. It's an incredible workflow that makes deploying your code manually feel archaic. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Also watch: "Tailwind CSS - why CSS utility classes save so much time" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-