Channel: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Category: News & Politics
Tags: high schoolpublic health careerpoint sourcecdccontinuous common sourceeducationlesson planpropagateddata expertepidemiologygovernmenthealth communicationmiddle schoolreadycenters for disease control and preventionpublic health dataintermittent common sourceoutbreakdata visualizationepi curvepublic healthstem
Description: This video introduces students to the concepts they will be exploring in CDC NERD Academy Module 5: How are public health data visualized? This video explains how public health experts use data visualizations like epidemic curves, or epi curves for short, to illustrate data in a way that is easier for people to understand. Students learn about four types of patterns they may see in epi curves and what each one means about an outbreak. After this video, students will be able to answer the question, “How are public health data visualized?” and they will be ready to participate in an activity and group discussion about data visualization and epi curves. This is Module 5 of an 8-module series in the CDC NERD Academy curriculum: Educating and Inspiring Youth to Explore Public Health, available at Audio Description Video: