Channel: TheMontageKing MMA
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mmasoccerjosh koscheck vs paul daleybob sappbrock lesnarmixed martial artsronda rouseyjohn halversonjon jonesfootballaleksander emelianenko vs eddy bengtssondana whiteknock outazi thomas v mario saeedthe montage kingufcultimate fighting championshipconor mcgregor5throundmmapedro nobre vs yuri alcantarafight
Description: Pretenders, Fakers, and Floppers exist in every sport. Athletes will do anything they can to win, even if that means sometimes looking like a jack ass. This is a list of fighters who faked being hurt during a fight, either to win via disqualification or to have a point deducted. Please consider supporting the channel on Patreon Remember to subscribe! Voiced by Mike DelGaudio